How to swiftly create user interview transcripts

A whiteboard showcasing imagery floats behind a man and a woman interviewing a female customer

After the thrill of a successful user interview, the chore of transcribing dialogue can feel like the ultimate anticlimax. Putting spoken words in writing takes several precious hours — time better invested in sharing your findings with your team or boss.

But the fact remains: you need a clear and accurate user interview transcript to analyze and report data effectively. Enter automatic transcription. This process instantly transcribes recorded dialogue in real time without human help. It ensures data integrity (and preserves your sanity), enabling you to unlock valuable insights in your research.


A user interview transcript — a written record of a user research interview — allows you to keep track of the interactions, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that transpired in each session. Automatic transcription uses AI to turn these speech and non-speech elements into text.

Follow three simple steps to make the most out of automatic transcription in your product, user experience, or market research.

  1. Choose your transcription type: create a verbatim or non-verbatim transcript based on your needs and goals

  2. Use a user interview tool with built-in automatic transcription: leave the heavy lifting to Hotjar Engage and focus on high-impact tasks instead

  3. Analyze the interview transcript: categorize and cross-reference interview insights with complementary data

To ensure accurate qualitative data when transcribing user interviews, apply these three tips throughout the interview process:

  1. Prepare your user interview script and flow: use guide questions and topics to facilitate meaningful engagement

  2. Edit text when you catch errors: spot and correct errors like misspellings and missing information

  3. Provide access to the recording and transcript: grant varying levels of access to team members and viewing access to other stakeholders

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Shadz Loresco

Shadz is the founder and editor of Why We Travel.


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